Sunday Chronicles: Summer Bucket List

Investment Piece: Summer Bucketlist

This past week my family and I took a short vacation- mainly visiting wineries and museums. It was fun, and hopeful, and made me think that maybe this summer deserves a bucket list. Last year, my summer bucket list was simply to survive. This year? While I’m not sure I’m ready for ALL the things, I am looking forward to doing some of the things.*

*while this recent little trip seemed to ease some of my reopening anxiety, I still have a little bit. Did you miss it? I got honest about my fears here.

Bucket lists, to me, are equally about hopes and plans. Summer is the season that seems to both move the slowest and the fastest for me, and I’m trying to put doable things on my list while remaining flexible (as things both become more open and as my anxiety *hopefully* lessens). Small things, big things, and everything in between: here’s what’s on my summer bucket list so far!

A Pool
Investment Piece: into joy
Remember last summer when I got a baby pool and it was my favorite thing? It still is, but this year I want to go to a real pool. And swim. And get my hair wet. Lay out. Nap in the sun. Come home smelling like sunscreen and being a little bit sun tired. I don’t know if I will be able to get to a beach (the dream) but I want a lot of pool days.

Reading and Movies
I used to be an avid reader. As in I was averaging at least 2 books a week. I would lose myself in books and stories. Same thing for movies. One of my favorite things used to be “sneaking” off to a matinee and letting the magical world welcome me in. If you follow me on IG you may have seen me say on my stories this week that I’m doing a little detox- mainly as that for my Hot Vaxxed Girl Summer I want to become/recreate/rediscover my best and most fashionable self. And part of that for me is getting back to reading and movies.

Investment Piece: Lounge Luxe
When I sat down to make this bucket list, this is about where I got stuck. In the “before” I used to make plans- for the blog, travel, friends, family. And I would follow through! From lunches to meetings to shoots to holidays. But. After 2020, I’m having a hard time distinguishing between plans (meet my friend’s babies! Go shopping! Meet for lunch! Shoot certain outfits!) and more dreams (take tap dance again! Plan vacations!). There’s no reason why I can’t (and shouldn’t) do both, as well as follow through with them. Yet, it feels a bit overwhelming. I may also still be a little superstitious and I don’t want to plan TOO far ahead. My solution? At least every other week I want to have a plan (meet a friend for lunch, get that dr’s appt booked, take a class, etc). I’m not forcing myself to go big, and letting my plans be a little more flexible than I usually would. Little things, but hopefully leading to big things.

What about you? What’s on your summer bucket list? Are you letting yourself get right back into the swing of things or are you easing in? Tell me all about it!

Wishing us all a week of crossing off bucket lists and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Summer Bucket List

Investment Piece: Summer Mood

The older I get the more I think of bucket lists like my travel itinerary. Yes, I want to plan things, there are things that I must do. And yet, I need to make sure that I have enough free time left to make magic happen.

Also, if I plan too much I’ll get stressed and nothing will get done. It’s the way I work!

So this summer, when making my summer bucket list, I tried to have broad things (1.spend as much time by water as possible) and specific things (2.go tubbing on the river by my mom’s house). The following are my loose goals for the summer, both to stretch me and keep me having fun!

(Yes, those were 1 and 2, so without further ado)

3. Wineries. In Texas. In California. Let’s just go and drink some wine.
4. Be more involved in my community. Both local and bigger. This means commit to the book club I’ve been asked to join, volunteer work, and make sure I have time for friends.
5. Plan a trip to Paris. I did have a big birthday after all!
6. Have a day off each week. Even if I do something, I need a day where I don’t work
7. Go to the CA beach. And maybe the East Coast. I take my number one bucket list item VERY seriously.
8. Paint. I do this privately, but love the release it gives me. It’s been a while since I’ve taken it up. This summer is time.
9. Expand my work network. There is so much I want to do and so many stories I want to tell you. Why not work it in the summer?
10. As much fun as I can fit. So broad, I know. When I think about summer, I think about fun. And the older we get, the more we seem to forget that. This summer I’m a little determined to bring joy back in-from BBQs to pool days to trips to art to it all, I’m looking to have a good time.

What are you hoping to do this summer? Do you make bucket lists?

Wishing us all a week of fun and amazing shoes! XO RA