Happy Thanksgiving

Investment Piece, blogger, Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your table and heart are full. I hope loved ones near and far know how much you care, and I hope you let them know how much you care for them. I hope your football/cooking/shopping goes well, and that the left overs are even better than the meal. I hope that you pause for just a minute to realize how blessed we are: from clean water we have to friends to pie to amazing shoes, loves, we are so rich. I hope today kicks off an amazing holiday season; I’m grateful that you let me be a little part of that.

We are taking off to be with family. Follow on Instagram (@racheladelicia) and Facebook (Investment Piece) for pics and my recs for Black Friday/Shop Small Sat (as well as my football/fashion/eating shanagans).
We have a preview of Dec up on Sunday for Chronicles (check back!) and will be up and running on Monday (and loves, it’s a great look!)

In the meantime: thank you for being here and I wish you a happy holiday!!


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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.