Have I mentioned how much I love costumes? Maybe it’s the theater in me, maybe it’s the fashion, but there’s something about planning my fashion Halloween costume that brings me such joy.
I also love seeing your costumes. Yes, it’s the beginning of the month/season. But, please, feel free to share.
This year? I’m excited about all the costumes I’m planning, I’m also thinking of all the costumes past. Let’s be real- If your goal is “fashion Halloween” there are many ways you can go about it. Wear a gown and call it a day. (You could say you’re a kind of Princess) Go all out and order a costume (one of my faves year after year is Catwoman, and I’m not sorry). So, what kind of fashion Halloween should we be this year?
I’ve been Cleopatra
Betty Draper
And Lady MacBeth
What do I have up my stilettos for this year? Stay tuned! In the meantime, let’s enjoy the past fashion Halloweens!
I’d love to hear your costume thoughts, plans, or suggestions!