Every Halloween I tend to wear a certain shirt to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters (a thing I LOVE to do!) and you can see my usual go-to trick-or-treat outfit here. Maybe part of fashion halloween that I should chat about is that I have my costumes, and then I have what I answer the door to trick-or-treaters in (and why shouldn’t both be fashion?).
And yet, this year, I’m thinking of not only combining Fashion Halloween and giving out candy, but comfortable costumes and a night of frolic.
AKA on one of my costume shopping trips I found this pj set that’s not only perfect for a party but perfect for a comfy Halloween night- and yet is still fashion. You could elevate this look with make-up (not my skill set), or even heels (my wheel house for sure!), Where I found this set (Target!) also had matching sets for the whole family so if you need a couple or family costume, this is an easy or high fashion way to match!
I’ve never thought or considered being a skeleton for Halloween. And yet, with matching accessories, these pjs feel just as great as any ball gown costume that I can think of (and most likely more comfy!). A bonus is that they are the best costume to stay at home in- be that watching scary movies (or Hocus Pocus for the 300th time!) or handing out candy to your local goblins! (aka wear to hand out Halloween candy but make it fashion!). You don’t need makeup (though if you can do that teach me how!) or anything else- but this simple set. I’ve linked it and the slippers below!
What do you love about Halloween night? Handing out candy? The costumes? Let me know! And if you already have a plan for your Halloween (fashion or not)- because we know this isn’t the only costume I’m wearing this year (see for my picks so far!), but I am dying (down to a skeleton) to hear about yours!
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