Holiday Looks

It’s coming– holiday dinners, parties, drinks, festivities. And all the outfits that go along with these events! First up: Thanksgiving. Last year I presented this guide for Thanksgiving dressing, based on what type of event you’re attending. There’s a “formal” dinner, where you can’t go wrong with a dress in heels, the mid level where a skirt/jumpsuit/nice jeans and blouse will do, and the casual where you can wear sweatpants.

Don’t knock it. A girlfriend of mine used to host “Sweatpants Thanksgiving”, and let’s not rule out “nice” sweatpants and a top for your day of eating! Shop some of the looks that I think could get you through next week below!


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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.