Sunday Chronicles: Busy


We are a society that loves to be busy- we have meetings on top of meetings, activities everyday for our kids, plans on plans. And that’s not always bad- we have things to do and dreams to accomplish. But as I’ve rushed from meeting to meeting this week I’ve been thinking- is there a difference between busy and productive? And which one actually gets us where we need to go?

Busy is a topic that’s discussed often- how we need to have free time, let our ideas perculate, focus on what matters. But what these discussions often leave out is that busy feels good. Loves, it does. Because we’re wired to think that when we’re running around we must be getting things done. But are we?

After a day of meetings where nothing happened but scheduling more meetings I began to think- what do I actually need to do? What daily tasks can get me further to my goals? And surprisingly, the answer wasn’t meetings. There isn’t a simple solution to our busy addiction – and I by no means have the answers. But after my “realization” I’ve been trying to be more mindful. Doing the things that actually need to get done. Scheduling time for relaxation. Letting go of the pressure to be doing something every single minute. And loves? What I’ve found is I’m getting more done.

Wishing us all a week of productivity and amazing shoes! XO RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.