Sunday Chronicles: Going After What You Want


Recently I had coffee with a friend, and as we were sitting there talking about our goals and wants he simply turned to me and (basically) asked, “why aren’t you going after what you want? Why don’t you just do it?”. A simple question, and yet I was taken back. Loves, I like to think that I’m fairly honest-I have no firm answers and am making this all up as I go along, much like you I think to think. But my friend has a point–why don’t we go after what we want?

There are a ton of reasons why we don’t always pursue our goals–time, money, skill. Sometimes what we really want would hurt people we care about, and we are afraid to do that. Sometimes we don’t really want what we think we do–and procrastination saves us. And then there are times when we truly go after what we want–and we fail. None of these situations are easy. And there’s no magic phrase or inspirational quote to make us begin to move forward or make us succeed. However, I think we all have things that we want–even if they aren’t big, grand things (the fact that not every goal or desire needs to be big and grand is a topic unto itself) and many of those things are within our grasp. So what stops us? Why aren’t we running towards our dreams as if everything were on fire?

I don’t have answers. But I can tell you what I’m doing. Since that conversation I’m sitting down with myself. I’m having hard and honest talks with me about what I really want and what I’m really willing to do for those goals. And I’m running, not always as fast as I’d like, but running like it matters in that direction. And those dreams that I find I can’t bring myself to run to? I’m doing my best to let them go. Another person I adore loves to remind me that nothing is promised–not tomorrow, not the rest of today. So it matters what we do. And if matters what we do, we owe to ourselves to go after what we want, what makes us happy–from snacks to dreams to people (especially ourselves). Maybe it is in the asking–in the demanding of ourselves that we go after what we want, that we can figure out what we really want and need. Here’s to hoping!


Wishing us all a week of dream chasing and amazing shoes! XO RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.