Day Dress

Investment Piece: Day Dress
Investment Piece: Day Dress
Investment Piece: Day Dress

During the quarantine I became obsessed with the nap dress, a cross between your high-end night-gown and a dress,(see here, here, and here). Now, as we move towards the after of the quarantine (or the middle? With a pandemic it’s hard to say!), my new thing is day dresses. Like a nap dress, but fit for day.

Ok. I admit. There may not be a HUGE distinction in nap dress and day dresses (though vintage day dresses are quite distinctive and I do love those). This dress was labeled as a day dress, styled with heels in his advertisements. And yet- it’s just as comfy as my nap dresses. Perfect for working from home, perfect for errands, and perfect for feeling like you’re dressed and yet feeling like you’re in PJs.

Investment Piece: Day Dress
Investment Piece: day Dress

Simple. Sophisticated. A bit more fitted than a nap dress (and yes, this one has leather accents, and pockets!) Usually when I think of a day dress, I think of the 1950s-fitted waists and all, not simple shifts like this one are changing my mind. I also usually plan a shoot and wait to wear new clothes- but when this arrived I put it on immeditately, snapped a few pictures, then went about my day- errands and work and all the rest.

Perhaps a day dress is defined not by its silhouette, or even when you wear it, but how it makes you feel. While the nap dresses (which I still love and wear) made me feel as if I were getting away with something (wearing my pjs out. Not a new thing for me, but a thing nonetheless), the day dress makes me feel like I’m able to get things done. Like the world is my oyster. Like the day is mine.

Investment Piece: Day Dress

Of course, maybe these differences are all in my head. Day dress, nap dress, dress- maybe it doesn’t matter. What makes you feel like you can take on the day (at home or out)? Maybe that’s the dress we should be wearing!

I’ve linked this exact dress (and yes, it’s avail in other colors) and the shoes!

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Investment Piece: day dress