Sunday Chronicles: Gratitude


Thanksgiving is Thursday and with it the start of the holiday season! Which of course means big meals,family, gifts, parties, traditions galore, and hopefully a bit of magic. For a lot of us it’s the “most wonderful time of the year”, and with good reason. But, can we be honest? This time of year can also bring some not-so-wonderful things. The pressure to be/to serve/ to give perfect, awkward family conversations and situations, some battle loneliness, and sometimes it’s hard when the perfect holiday in our head doesn’t get played out in reality. I have no answers for the hard things (shoes and wine?) but I do know how amazing the holidays can be- and conversely how overwhelming they can be.

Here’s the good news! People who love you don’t care if the table is “perfect” – they just love being with you. Awkward situations and conversations happen, the best thing to do is keep a sense of humor about it- at least it can make a good story, and if not, wine? And if you’re lonely and struggling there are people who care and want to help- you just have to ask(I’m not diminishing that the asking is easy). And while the perfect scenarios we come up with in our heads may not play out- often if we pay attention what really does happen is even more perfect.

This time of year can become so big- that I hope you have a chance to focus on the small- the love, the magic, and the gratitude that makes this time of year full of joy and wonder. Gratitude can get thrown around- but internet friends we are so lucky. We have family and friends who love us, tables full of food, and if nothing else: clean, running water that comes in both hot and cold. We’re rich! So amidst the pie and family I hope you take a moment to be thankful, to love those around you, and this week begins a season full of joy and magic.

Wishing us all a week of thanks and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Family Culture Day


I’m lucky enough to be close to my family–to genuinely consider my mom and sister (and father though not pictured) friends. And while there are things that I miss about childhood, what has made being an adult so sweet are the things that my family and I get to enjoy together. My mom always made sure that culture was a part of our lives–art, dance, theater–we were often lucky enough to travel, but even when we didn’t my mom did her part to make sure that we were exposed to other cultures via their performing and still art. To her credit, both my sister and I have a deep love of museums, ballet, opera, art, and all performing arts. In fact, as these things feed my soul so much, I’ve made a life of pursuing them.

So what it a treat it was to recently see a Flamenco music and dance at a near-by museum.  I actually lived in Spain with my mother and father when I was a baby (1 mth-18mths) and through hearing those stories, and a subsequent visit back, have simply fallen in love with that culture, and Flamenco. The way that the musicians and dancers are able to express the story or emotion through the performance-it is a raw and beautiful thing.

The holidays are coming and we will all be overwhelmed with family, many of us will want a break from them. So before all of that, it was heavenly to be able to have a day with my mom and sister to appreciate a culture we love, and spend some time together.




Wishing us all a week of art and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: TX Flood Relief

Internet friends I had a whole other topic in mind. It was a lovely essay. But as you may or may not know it but Central TX has been battling flood damage since May. I’ve had high school friends who have watched their childhood homes lost. School kids I know having to be rescued by armored car. It flooded in May in my mom’s area- she was without power for days. It flooded last weekend and the road to her house opened Saturday- when another round of heavy rain hit and roads were affected. I’m lucky. My family hadn’t lost property or family members. I was in town this weekend and slightly put out as I couldn’t make it to a friend’s bridal shower. But people hurting. People are needing. We need rain but not floods. If you have extra and feel like donating American Red Cross<\a> and Central Tx Flood Relief Fund<\a> are great places to donate. And next week I promise you a great essay!

Wishing us all a week of relief and amazing shoes! Xo RA

Sunday Chronicles: New Series


I have so enjoyed sharing my love of fashion with you over the past few months and I have some exciting news! We’re expanding! Stay tuned for outfit posts M/W/F, but please come back T/TH for new series where we will focus on wishlist items, shopping secrets, brands to know, and other fashion news! Subjects you’d like to read about? We’d love to hear about it-email We hope you love what we have in store for you, we love sharing this little spot on the internet with you!

Wishing us all a week of new things and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Detox


I’ve been traveling for the past few weeks, which has meant great times with friends, amazing meals, and more than one glass of wine. And as fun as that can be, life is all about balance and I got to the point where I was looking forward to being home and detoxing. Working out, sleeping well, eating right. Juice, bone broth, and lots of veggies. Yoga, spinning, Pilates and a little bit more walking. Nothing intense, but a cleaning,letting myself rest, if you will. And it’s felt great. However, as popular as detoxes can be–there’s more than a just a juice that’s needed sometimes.

More than one friend of mine has recently read Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” and I have to admit: I’m intrigued. Full disclosure: I haven’t read it yet; but if I understand the method behind it correctly I’m on board. My understanding is that the thought here is that we have so much in our lives-clothes, things, responsibilities, relationships–that really we keep things around that are just “good enough”, instead of holding out for, or really surrounding ourselves with things that we believe are beautiful and bring us joy. There’s a method Kondo uses to clear out the unwanted or passable items, making room for clothes, things,  and relationships that truly bring us joy and fulfill us. And this, in my space of taking care of myself, has resonated.

So it’s not just been juice. I’ve been turning off the TV and reading. I’ve been thinking about the kind of life I want, the kind of woman I want to be–and beginning to cut out what doesn’t serve that. There’s been art and painting, sorting through and contemplating. I’ve been writing and thinking; shoe shopping and making choices based on what I love–and not what “will do”. I’m concentrating on what I want, and ignoring what I don’t. This is by no means a week fix, but I have to say–I’m loving the results.

I’d love to know, have you read the book? Done a detox? What are your thoughts?

Wishing us all a week of joy and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Time with Friends


They say that friends are some of the most important things in life–and while cliche sounding, it’s true. Recently I have had friends be generous with their time, their support, and their homes. No matter what happens in life it is beyond comforting to know that staying up late and chatting with a friend–or having a place to stay when you most need it–is simply a matter of calling a friend.

The love and support I have gotten from my friends recently got me thinking–adult friendships are so much more complex than the grade school friendships, where sometimes friendship was as simple as always being in the same class. So following are some of the lessons I’ve learned about being adult friends:

  1. Friendships take as much effort as romantic relationships.  Yes, they’re different but as adults we have different jobs, schedules, responsibilities, and time constraints. While spur-of-the-moment plans can happen families, jobs, etc often make that an impossibility. So you have to make time for each other. Check in, catch up. Make plans and stick to them. Forgive each other when you have to cancel, and understand when plans fall through. Can this be difficult? Yes, but having plans with a friend can make a long week bearable.
  2.  You will have different friends for different needs. Your friendships will rise and fall like waves. All of this is ok. Not every friendship is the bonded at the hip variety–sometimes it’s just the people you chat with at the gym every day. These relationships are no less important than your besties–they can still make your day. Also due to life friendships will crest, there are times when you can be super close and then lose touch–the good news is a good friend is a good friend, and no matter the distance always show up when they’re needed.
  3. You can break-up with a friend and it can hurt worse than your worst romantic break-up. I’ve been there. And yes, as above, sometimes it’s just a crest–but sometimes the friendship has turned toxic. Sometimes we grow apart and aren’t treated as well as we should. Sometimes it’s a conversation and sometimes friends just fade away. If it was a close and important relationship it can hurt like hell. I recommend shopping and wine to get you through.
  4. Your friends will experience life at a different pace than you –and that’s amazing. You may be the first to get married–or the last. Someone who put their career first or a stay-at-home-mom (still a job). While having a ton in common is always helpful, some of my most rewarding relationships are with women in different life places than I am. We can share experiences, say things without judgement, and learn from each other.

In short, I’m having a moment where I just can’t help but be bowled over by the amazing women and men in my life whom I am privileged enough to call friends. I’d love to know–what have you learned about friendship?

Wishing us all a week of great friends and amazing shoes! xo RA

Sunday Chronicles: National Handbag Day


Yesterday was National Handbag Day- yes, a made-up holiday, but that’s no reason not to celebrate. Right? Right. While I’m usually a shoes woman, there are special bags that get under your skin. For example, this Gucci stunner. I may have to break down and add it to my collection. I’d love to know – what’s your favorite bag? Which one are you eyeing for the season?

Wishing us all a week of amazing bags and stunning shoes! Xo RA

Sunday Chronicles: Gratitude

Can we be honest? We live in a world that makes it easy to get caught up in what you want, what you don’t have, and what’s wrong. There’s a time and a place for that, but again, honestly, we have so much to be grateful for–if you have running water and a roof over your head you’re rich, believe it or not. And while it’s easy to get caught up, I do my best to focus on the small things that I am grateful for. After all, a conversation with a dear friend reminded me–the small things matter a lot, and the more you’re grateful the more you have! Below are some small moments that meant a lot to me this week–I’d love to know, what are you grateful for today?

Wishing us all a week of blessings and amazing shoes! XO RA

Good morning coffee in my lucky pig mug
Rereading sweet notes and getting texts from dear friends
Cooler weather and Football!
Watching one of my all time favorite movies–I was Malecifent for Halloween before it was cool
Getting to spend time with my sister and visit Art Museums!
Homemade Paleo Banana Muffins that taste even better than they look!

Happy Sunday!


Sunday Chronicles: Sister Road Trip


If you’ve been following on Instagram (@racheladelicia) you know that my sister and I went on a road trip this week! We started in LA and made it all the way to TX to spend some time with family. Now, I’m usually not one for road trips but this trip may have changed my mind. It was so great to spend time with my sister, the Southwest was amazingly beautiful, and the drive was actually fun–we blasted music and sang and danced our way through the states. I truly enjoyed myself! In fact, I might be talked into doing it again.

I’d love to know–do you love road trips? What’s been your favorite vacation this summer?

Sunday Chronicles: Sister Roadtrip



Tomorrow my sister and I begin to road trip across the Southwest, from my base in LA to my base in TX. I’m sure there will be fights- over the radio, food, and hair dryer- but I can’t wait for the time alone with one of my favorite people. There’s nothing like spending time with your sister- the gossip, silliness, and someone else to laugh at your family with. Posts here will be up as usual, and follow along on Instagram (@racheladelicia), hashtags #R&Rroadtrip and #sistertravels!

Wishing us all a week of quality time and amazing shoes! XO RA