High Drama



I keep saying that layering is the secret of life–and internet friends, it’s true. While this silk skirt is just as great with a t-shirt, sweater, or button down–and this strapless tunic looks amazing over everything from a pencil skirt to jeans–layered together they created a perfect high impact outfit for a friend’s pre-holiday party. And the shoes–while old (and basic black pumps or sandals would also look great!) I love the drama that the petal in the back adds!

Happy Wednesday! XO RA


Skirt:Lee Matthews
Top:C/Meo Collective
Shoes: old, similar here

Brand to know: ASOS


I hate to call Asos a brand, it is an online store, but it does carry it’s own brand—and for as great a find as it is, I’m always surprised at how many people don’t know about it! Asos is based in the UK, and I think they can best be described as a mix of Zara/HM/Anthropologie/Depeartment Store. As previously stated they do have an Asos brand, but also carry other UK/US brands, both low and high price points. They have a great, on-trend, collection of clothes, shoes, swimwear, sleepwear, and make-up–and some of my posts have been full of their offerings!

Great Things:
– They offer both free shipping and free returns
– Have a wide selection of on-trend items, but everything is very well made!
– Because they carry so many brands at so many prices you can find almost anything there!

Not-so Great Things:
-Sizing can run a little small (I find this to be true at many UK/Australian brands) so make sure that you check the measurement guide!

-New inventory is added all the time so if you’re looking for something particular make sure you check Asos!
-They also restock, so if an item you love is out of stock make sure that you check back
-The site doesn’t offer a true wishlist, but you can “save” items for 30 days
-I absolutely adore their dresses and can’t recommend them enough!

I’d love to know–do you shop there? What are your “things to know” about Asos?

Happy Tuesday! xo RA

Posts from Asos:
Devil’s In The Details

My Picks:
I may need to buy this dress
Love this jumpsuit
I think this skirt is perfect for winter
and love these shoes

Fall Grey


While I think grey is a year-round color, I am loving these fall offerings of the shade! Wool that’s easy, cropped and soft pairs well with a heather sweatshirt that’s dressy enough for the pant. And the heels on those shoes! They’re enough to get you through Monday, or whatever comes your way!

Happy Monday! XO RA



Sunday Chronicles: Family Culture Day


I’m lucky enough to be close to my family–to genuinely consider my mom and sister (and father though not pictured) friends. And while there are things that I miss about childhood, what has made being an adult so sweet are the things that my family and I get to enjoy together. My mom always made sure that culture was a part of our lives–art, dance, theater–we were often lucky enough to travel, but even when we didn’t my mom did her part to make sure that we were exposed to other cultures via their performing and still art. To her credit, both my sister and I have a deep love of museums, ballet, opera, art, and all performing arts. In fact, as these things feed my soul so much, I’ve made a life of pursuing them.

So what it a treat it was to recently see a Flamenco music and dance at a near-by museum.  I actually lived in Spain with my mother and father when I was a baby (1 mth-18mths) and through hearing those stories, and a subsequent visit back, have simply fallen in love with that culture, and Flamenco. The way that the musicians and dancers are able to express the story or emotion through the performance-it is a raw and beautiful thing.

The holidays are coming and we will all be overwhelmed with family, many of us will want a break from them. So before all of that, it was heavenly to be able to have a day with my mom and sister to appreciate a culture we love, and spend some time together.




Wishing us all a week of art and amazing shoes! XO RA

Power Pink



Amazing trousers are always a great investment–dressed down, up, classic or fun, they can truly be a workhorse in your wardrobe. And these pink wool ones are making my Friday. Classically cut but in a pop of color it’s the perfect pant for fall.

Hope you’re having an amazing Friday! XO RA


Shirt: Equipment
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell, old, similar here

Transitions: Summer Clothes


There comes a time when we have to let go of things–old letters, old trends, and the dreaded time when we have to put our summer clothes away. Not that I complain about buying new sweaters (or sweater weather). But there are times when you want to hang on–or like me live in an area where the seasons aren’t so delineated– what’s a fashion lover to do?

I’ve said it a thousands times, and am beginning to think it is the secret to life–layer. This summer off the shoulder tops were everywhere, I lived in this one, and quite frankly didn’t want to stop now that the temps are dipping. My solution? A turtleneck under! It kept me warm and yet kept the integrity of the look!



I’ve used this with countless things–sundresses, lace skirts, tank tops. And I’m loving it! What’s your secret for weathering summery clothes in winter? I’d love to know!


Happy Thursday! XO RA



There’s something about a full skirt that just makes you feel like a lady–or more specifically a certain kind of lady. What I love about this ladylike number is that it is so classic, but the cutout gives it an edge. Because who doesn’t want to be a lady with an edge?

Happy Wednesday! XO RA


Dress: Asos also in black
Shoes: Anthropologie, old, similar here


Shopping Tip: Collabs


Even if you didn’t shop the collection the shopping frenzy that was the H&M x Balmain was impossible to miss. With collabs such as this becoming a regular occurrence–both H&M and Jcrew do them often–I began to wonder, how can you shop them sanely, and most importantly, get what you want? Of course, the more publicized and high end the collaboration is the more you can expect craziness- BUT hopefully these tips help you navigate the crazy, and end up with a shopping coup!

  1. Game Plan – Through publicity, social media, etc usually these collabs are usually promoted for months, meaning you should know (or be able to find) the launch date and pics of all the pieces offered. Here’s your chance to really do some homework. Go through the collection and see what you like, what you have to have, and what you don’t care for. You may not have a chance to ever try on or the collection before the launch–but this is when you decide what you want. A flawed system, maybe, but I usually try to make a list of my top 3 things that I want, so I can concentrate on them!
  2. Set your Watch–Besides the actual pieces, before the launch the actual timing information should be released-launch date, launch time, restrictions (if any), etc. Make sure that you note when the collection launches online–as that might be a better option for you. Know that if it is a huge, promoted, collab such as the Balmain there will be lines at stores, and those need to be planned for as well. Personally, I don’t love long lines and craziness at sales (although that is an experience) I usually op to shop online. Know this about shopping online–the site may crash, you will have to refresh your browser maybe once, but the good news is that often the timing of online launch can work to your advantage- for example if the pieces will go live at 12Am–you just have to make sure that you’re up! But chose how you will shop it, and set that time aside.
  3. Shop it–This is the crazy step. It may get insane. It may sell out. It may be low key and none of these steps may be necessary, I’ve seen both. Some collections are more in demand and sell out in a frenzy. Some are more low key–and lines and setting time aside may not be an issue at all.
  4. You didn’t get what you wanted, now what? Of course, the first question is, how badly do you want it? If there’s something that you have to have just because it sold out doesn’t mean all hope is gone. While we’ve all read the stories of how prices on eBay on collabs can be insane, eBay (and other resell sites) can be your friend here. It is completely up to you on how much you will spend–and while prices on resell sites can be over the top, some are auctions (and you can set a limit). Also, what works here is time. As time goes on and people move on prices on eBay, etc, lower–and more pieces become available. Ebay and other sites often have a feature where you can follow a search and they will email you new listings–this option is a God-send and can help you get that piece you’re looking for!

I’d love to know–did you shop the collab? Have you ever? What did you buy and what are your strategies?

Happy Shopping! XO RA

New Fave


There’s nothing like a new favorite outfit to get you through Monday. While it’s no secret that I love a good jumpsuit (who doesn’t!), this one goes above and beyond. It’s just loose enough to be forgiving, the self-tie belt gives a couple different tying options and the pattern makes sure it is anything but boring. I’ve dressed it up, worn it with flats, and it’s official –we’re in love.

Hope you have something fab to get you through Monday too! XO RA



Jumpsuit: MIH Jeans
Shoes: Jessica Buurman

Sunday Chronicles: TX Flood Relief

Internet friends I had a whole other topic in mind. It was a lovely essay. But as you may or may not know it but Central TX has been battling flood damage since May. I’ve had high school friends who have watched their childhood homes lost. School kids I know having to be rescued by armored car. It flooded in May in my mom’s area- she was without power for days. It flooded last weekend and the road to her house opened Saturday- when another round of heavy rain hit and roads were affected. I’m lucky. My family hadn’t lost property or family members. I was in town this weekend and slightly put out as I couldn’t make it to a friend’s bridal shower. But people hurting. People are needing. We need rain but not floods. If you have extra and feel like donating American Red Cross<\a> and Central Tx Flood Relief Fund<\a> are great places to donate. And next week I promise you a great essay!

Wishing us all a week of relief and amazing shoes! Xo RA