Sunday Chronicles: Multitasking

Investment Piece, Sunday Chronicles, fashion blogger, think piece, high fashion, CA, TX

Loves, we love to be busy, don’t we? (Looking for a convo about busy? I think this, this, and my piece here are great reads). And yes, our society loves busy, it’s’ praised. A facet in that complex relationship? Multitasking. I do it, you do it, we all do it. To be as busy as we all love to be, we have to do it. And there are times when multitasking is good, helpful and works. However, loves, when we multitask are there times when we are doing too much and not getting anything done?

I’ve been thinking a lot about multitasking lately, and how I want to focus my attention. I have big goals and long to-do lists, like I’m sure you do. And there are times when doing two things (or more) at the same time is great. I can clean house and bake and listen to a podcast at the same time. I can watch football and do laundry, so skim social media. There are things that don’t need my full attention and I can get so many things done. However, there are also times when multitasking doesn’t work for me, and when I do more than one thing at a time I find I get nothing done. From writing posts to movies I really want to see, my workouts to time with friends, there are things that need, and deserve my full attention. There are times when multitasking stresses me out, when I have so much going on that I feel as if I can’t make progress on anything.

I’m sure that there are methods for being better at multitasking. I’m sure that there are ways to do all the things at the same time and get everything done. My method? I’m stopping with the multitasking. I’m committing to giving the things that require my full attention my full attention. I’m being present, and doing some things one at a time whole-heartedly instead of a dozen things half-heartedly. And loves, I actually feel as if I’m getting more done. Easy? Probably easier than you think. There’s no true “method” here, I’m simply being ok with doing one thing at a time. The movie I really want to watch? I enjoy it, instead of trying to catch up online at the same time. Chores, work, projects, I allot myself to sit down and focus on just that one thing. It turns out, when I focus and give myself to something, I get it done faster than trying to give myself to 20 things at a time. Does this mean I never multitask anymore? No. But, it does mean that I’m actively trying not to–and I’m enjoying that ride!

I’d love to know–what are your thoughts on multitasking?

AND It’s Martin Luther King Weekend! In that spirit, might I suggest the movie “Hidden Figures”? I loved it! It’s not only a great peak into some of the black heroes who helped get us to space, I loved that the women portrayed were smart and capable, and that was their story, not a romantic one. Take a girl you love! I also love visiting museums on holidays, and personally plan to begin to clean out my closet. What do you have going on?

Wishing us all focus and amazing shoes! XO RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.