Sunday Chronicles: Magic


Recently, on a whirl wind trip I got to go to the Wonderful Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal. Loves, I love Harry Potter. The books, the characters, the lessons, the fight for good, the moral messages, the theme of love, and the fact that it shows a girl can be smart and a know-it-all, and still be liked. I could go on.


Going to “Hogwarts” made me as excited as a kid on Christmas morning! I loved the experience – yes I got a wand (my new fave stick) and recommend passing on the butterbeer (way too much sugar), but as I thought about sharing my experience with you all I kept coming back to was the thought of magic.

I think we’re all looking for a little magic- Whether we mean a way for things to work out or a spell to clean the house (I would take both). However, I think we often forget that we live in a magical world- and there’s magic in us. Our world has plants that bloom, oceans pulled by the moon, and all sorts of animals that sing. We all are capable of magic- of creativity, focus, determination, staying present. And much like my beloved books- we can love, which is the most magic of all. God’s biggest commandment to us was to love our neighbor as ourselves. That’s not always easy, but there is magic and power in that.  So this week, down from my HP high, I’m focusing on the magic I can do- like love myself and all of you!


Wishing us all a week of magic and amazing shoes!! XO RA


Sunday Chronicles: Busy


We are a society that loves to be busy- we have meetings on top of meetings, activities everyday for our kids, plans on plans. And that’s not always bad- we have things to do and dreams to accomplish. But as I’ve rushed from meeting to meeting this week I’ve been thinking- is there a difference between busy and productive? And which one actually gets us where we need to go?

Busy is a topic that’s discussed often- how we need to have free time, let our ideas perculate, focus on what matters. But what these discussions often leave out is that busy feels good. Loves, it does. Because we’re wired to think that when we’re running around we must be getting things done. But are we?

After a day of meetings where nothing happened but scheduling more meetings I began to think- what do I actually need to do? What daily tasks can get me further to my goals? And surprisingly, the answer wasn’t meetings. There isn’t a simple solution to our busy addiction – and I by no means have the answers. But after my “realization” I’ve been trying to be more mindful. Doing the things that actually need to get done. Scheduling time for relaxation. Letting go of the pressure to be doing something every single minute. And loves? What I’ve found is I’m getting more done.

Wishing us all a week of productivity and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Happy Mother’s Day!


It’s quite the week for my family: my mom officially retired from a job of 23 yrs, today is Mother’s Day, tomorrow is my mom’s birthday, and my birthday is Tuesday. There are parties and drinks and celebrations. Plans for the day, for the future, for this week. It’s crazy and lovely and full of love. How are you? What are you doing today? I hope you let your mom know how much you love her! If you’re a mom I hope you’re spoiled! And if, for whatever reason, today is a hard day for you- I hope you know I’m sending you love!

Wishing us all a week of love and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronciles: Ballet


I danced throughout my childhood and high school – ballet, tap, jazz, was on my TX high school drill/dance team, took class every week. I loved it- the discipline, the grace, the beauty. The way it felt to control my body that way. Now don’t romanticize it- I wasn’t great, ballet was never my career goal, but I loved it in that pure way a child can love something. It brought me joy. I grew away from dance in college- just time and other commitments. However, I found my way back to ballet in my 20s- as an exercise, a hobby, something I loved. I found a ballet class I loved and genuinely loved the discipline, the grace- and something we called tutu Tuesday.


Again, I was never great – maybe good- but not great. But this hobby has fueled me- made me more creative, gave me an outlet, taught me things.

This year has been a journey- I’m traveling more, have more than one base camp, and my schedule is a little more all over the place. I still longed to dance but in one of my base cities the classes available are through a ballet company. With great dancers. And loves, I got scared. Told myself that ballet is not something I’m great at, so why risk taking a class?

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of that little voice inside me that tells me I can’t do something. And that was vocalized to me by a friend of mine in Pilates who listened to me say I’m not great and responded, “Isn’t it sad, as women and adults, the things we keep ourselves from doing?” Loves, it is sad. My doing ballet was never about being great- it was creating for creating sake, and something that brought me joy.

So this week I told that little voice inside me to take a hike. I got out my ballet slippers. And I took a class- and I loved it. I was good- and didn’t care that I wasn’t great.

Today is International Dance Day so it seemed like a good fit to share. I hope that today you dance- just to dance. That it brings you joy. And that those things that you love in your life- don’t let any voice in your head keep you from them!


Wishing us all all a week of creative joy and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Inspiration

I travel a lot for work (this weekend I went to Tyler, TX for a vintage pop up) and I have more LA and TX trips throughout the end of the month and May. Being so busy there are times when my inspiration can vanish- just in the rush of all the things that have to get done. However, with these trips I’m actually gaining inspiration – new faces, friends, clothes and projects are fueling me, and I’m really excited about some of the things ahead. Below are a list of some of my current inspirations- I would love to know- what inspires you?

Magazines. I know- trite- but I love looking at the editorials! It gives me ideas (and clothes to drool over)

Nature. As busy as I’ve been I have made it a point to really focus on the outside world- whether that be a walk or simply allowing myself to take in the beauty around us. I find it very calming- and no one does a color palette like Mother Nature

Poetry. We know I love to read, but I’ve just recently gotten into poetry books. There’s something about a book you can savor a bit at a time- especially when that bit is pure beauty.

Collabs!! I’ve been blessed to meet a bunch of great people and am working with some amazing professionals. We have new photographers and stylists and artists that you’ll be seeing here soon- and being around creative people is a high for me!!

Wishing us all a week of inspiration and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Good Reads

Loves, the only place I do more damage than a shoe store is a book store. It’s a fact. Here’s what I’ve been reading and loving lately!

I’ve needed to hear what the amazing Ms. Rhimes had to say- it was realistically inspirational and have some clear advice. I also loved “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert. I’ve been struggling with my creativity lately and this was a great reminder of how to seduce it. I also have books by Brene Brown coming in the mail, which I’m super excited about!


I started this book of short stories a while ago and recently picked it back up- and I’m so grateful I did. This isn’t a “typical” pick for me- it’s a bit gritty and raw- but it’s simply beautiful.


I’m into this mystery, already have a theory, and love it. It’s fast, smooth, and just delicious.

This is the first Sunday I haven’t had to be anywhere and haven’t had to be up early in about a month. It’s raining and I’m looking forward to curling up, reading, and maybe indulging in a face mask and glass of wine. I’d love to know- have you read any of these? What have you loved recently?

Wishing us a week of great stories and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Transitions



I used to teach spin, and am still an avid spinner (it’s a word, let’s just go with it). If you’ve never spun, it’s a rhythm based class set to music on a bike–and when the class is good, it’s heaven. However, in every class there comes moments of transition, when one song ends, the next hasn’t quite started and you have just a moment between beats. That moment can be scary. Most teachers, me included, desperately want you to stay up during those transitions. There are plain old work out reasons–it keeps your heart rate from dipping, keeps you mentally engaged, and as one of my favorite teachers puts it “the transitions make you stronger”. And loves, that’s not just true on a spin bike.

As much as we would like to pretend otherwise, life is full of transition. Yes, there are peaks and valleys in there; and yes, some transitions are more evident than others. They can be scary. There are moments between your peaks and valleys when you don’t know what steps to take. But loves, the transitions make you stronger.  Transitions are where we find out what we’re really made of, what we really want, and what we can take. The valleys aren’t always  great, the peaks can be amazing, but transitions–transitions are where the magic happens.

I’m in a transition right now–which is both exciting and terrifying. And as I try to build a life I love, there are times when I don’t know what to do. Times when it’s flat out scary. Part of why I spin is that, cheesy as it is, I buy into the lessons. So when I’m in a dark room, sweaty, sometimes tired, and pushing myself and a transition happens I trust that even when the beat doesn’t come right away, it will. And I will catch it. And I will be ok. Life is the same way–the secret is to keep moving, not to sit down and be scared. Because loves, all that glorious magic that’s out there waiting for us–it’s in the transitions.


Wishing us all a week of magic and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Loss


You may know that in the past two weeks I’ve had two deaths in my family: an uncle and my grandma. I appreciate everyone who has reached out–and if you haven’t please don’t feel any way about that. Death is hard. Loss is hard. When I started this site, and decided to do an editorial segment on Sundays, my goal was never to get too personal. I was hopeful that we could build a form of community together, but although my pursuits have always been public (acting, etc), I am at heart a private person. I hate being checked in places. I fear opening up too soon or letting my guard down too much–being as a friend calls it “emotionally slutty”. But what I’ve learned is that it’s impossible not to get personal–and that if I hold things in for too long I end up unloading on some unsuspecting stranger. And I’m hoping that my being vulnerable is a way for us all to be vulnerable with each other–because we all know loss, we all know pain, we are all acutely aware of our flaws. These things can only mean that we need each other.

Let’s be honest: loss sucks. You can’t control it, you don’t dictate it’s terms, and you don’t chose what you’re willing to lose. Loss simply takes. It’s hard. My grandma lived a full and happy life; she was 97 and ill and ready to go—and yet it’s still hard to have that hole, even while holding the thought that she’s in a better place. My uncle was ill as well–and is now at peace, and yet the hurt that the peace is bought with can leave you wailing. We don’t get to chose when we lose people. I can tell you platitudes about how we should be grateful for any time at all with loved ones, and we should. Not all loss is death and that doesn’t minimize the pain, it shouldn’t. Loss is hard to talk about because none of us has answers. So here’s a list of things I know to be true about loss:

  • We all grieve differently, there’s no right or wrong way to do it. And the appearance of grief is not a comment on the feeling
  • Grieve comes in waves and the only thing you can do is ride them out
  • We all lose things:people, dreams, things. One loss is not bigger than another.
  • Loss is one of the hardest things I know of to talk about. It can feel too raw. It can be hard to comfort someone–or even know what to say
  • We need each other through loss. The most powerful thing is the knowledge that people care-it helps.
  • We heal. Often it’s around the wound, like a tree grows around concrete. There are losses that forever leave a tender spot, but we go on.

I’ve been dealing with my loss by trying to be kind to myself. There’s been some shopping, tea, and red wine. There’s been time around family and time alone. Many books, movies, some tears. I’m so grateful for all of you–for this blog has helped as well.


Wishing us all a loss-free week and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Happy Easter!


Happy Easter! No matter you’re practices I hope that today finds you surrounded by love and celebrating new beginnings. I know this week has been a lot for us as a humanity- the attacks, the hate, the uncertainty. I had a death in my family this week, and no matter your belief in an afterlife, death is hard. However, being around family was a great reminder- love is healing, new beginnings come from painful endings, and anything is possible when we stick together. So Loves, let’s love each other extra hard this week.

Wishing us a new start and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Leap Year


There’s a favorite saying of mine “People worry about wasting money, worry about wasting time. Time is not a renewable resource. Money is”. While is this not a call to be careless with your money, it is a call to be aware of your time. Tomorrow is leap day–the one extra day that we get every four years. A whole extra 24 hours (and yes we could complain that it’s a Monday–but time is a gift). No matter what you value or what you like to do, time is what makes up our lives–and it’s finite. So what are you going to do with your extra time? From work to relaxing to pampering yourself, I hope that you get to take this gift of an extra day and do something special with it–what ever that means to you!

Wishing us all a week of meaningful time and amazing shoes! XO RA