Sunday Chronicles: Happy Spring!

Investment Piece: When in Texas

Tomorrow is the official first day of spring, ironic as winter is making its last stand where I am, it’s so cold and rainy! And while it doesn’t feel like spring, like all of the flora and fauna outside I feel as if I’m finally getting used to the new year (more irony, in astrology spring-or Aries season- is the new year, which makes a lot of sense!) and beginning to “bloom”. Aka making progress to wear I want to be, setting in my goals, and feeling good. The energy has me wanting to do all the things. So let me be one of the first to wish you: “Happy Spring!” Spring is a short season in the places I live; summer comes very quickly. Yet, I love spring. I love the warm but not burning temps, the sense of beginnings, and the way we really into the things we set intentions for in the new year. Though it may be short, I’ve listed my favorite things to do during spring, from flowers to closet cleaning. However you celebrate I wish you all the joy that a spring can bring!


Wildflower Day
From pictures to just taking in the beauty, I think that a day spent in blooms is a day well spent. Make a day of it and do a picnic, or maybe a hike? Whatever you do, make sure that you enjoy the wild flowers before summer!

Closet CleanOut
I know, spring cleaning is cliche. But, it works. Spring is a great time to do a sweep of your closet, get rid of anything that no longer serves you, and move spring items to the front of your closet. It’s also a great time to make a trip to the cleaner or tailor and make sure that all the things you love for spring are ready!

Make a Spring Wishlist
Along with making sure your spring closet is clean, spring is a great time to make a spring Wishlist. Shocking, I know, that I would support shopping. But someone has to get all those great new spring things. It may as well be you! A Wishlist lets you make a note of what you need, find items you love, and stay within a budget!

Refresh Your Goals
A bit like cleaning out your closet or designing your wishlist, I think that spring is a great time to look at your goals. Adjust your routine. Measure your progress and revise strategy if necessary. Or scratch everything and make new goals. It’s a time of new beginnings and a time to bloom, it’s a great time to make use of it!

Dine al Fresco
Before it gets too hot, spring is a great time to make use of the patios in your life. From dinners in the backyard to happy hours on a patio, I love being outside during this time of year!

I’d love to know: what do you love to do during spring? What’s on your spring bucket list?

wishing us all a week of new beginnings and amazing shoes! Xo RA

Sunday Chronicles: Tired

Investment Piece: Tired

Is anyone else really tired? Not just regular tired, but extra tired. For years, I’ve been joking that being tired is a part of my personality. But lately, this has felt especially true. And I’m not 100% sure what to do about it.

There are lots of reasons to be tired, just on a daily basis. I love running my own business, but it often means that my work hours are non-traditional, and days when I feel like I’m working all day. And that’s on top of balancing family and friends, travel, workouts, errands, and all the things. Also, fun fact about me? I sometimes have a hard time sleeping.

So, there’s all that.

After this past year, and the pandemic though? I’m more tired than I was before. Maybe it’s because I feel as if my schedule lately had been a bit overwhelming. It’s not that I’m going all day, but I am finding that when I have to people a lot, or have a lot of out-of-the-house appointments, I am way more tired than I was in the before times. I’m sure some expert could tell us that part of the tired is processing the trauma, accessing our safety in real time, and getting used to activities again. Yes, I’m feeling all of that.

Perhaps I should even be more tired than I am!

All the combinations and reasons to be tired- how do we deal with it? How do we get rested? If you have the answers, please tell me. I’ve been trying to give myself “days” off, get on a sleep schedule, have regular down and alone time, and all the things that we’re supposed to do. I’m still tired.

How do we get the pandemic to pay for us to have a vacation? Anyone else have any ideas?

Wishing us all a week of rest and amazing shoes! Xo RA

Sunday Chronicles: President’s Day

a woman in a navy and Fendi logo skirt, black sweater and black pumps in front of a white wall

Tomorrow is a holiday in the States, and while some are traveling or shopping sales (and you can shop sales along with me in both the LTK and ShopStyle Collective apps!), I’m doing something a bit different. I’m relaxing. I’m taking time off. I’m spending time with people I love. I’m refilling my cup. We’ll be back on Wednesday with new Fashion Stories. I hope that you have a great weekend and from travel to relaxing get exactly what you need!

Wishing us all a week of rest and amazing shoes!

Sunday Chronicles: Freeze

a close of a woman's hand holding a branch covered in ice

My area is recovering from an ice storm this weekend; this past week we were under freezing for over 48 hours, and there was ice everywhere. Trees, grass, roads, etc. We were super lucky- no damage (though I did spend a lot of Saturday cleaning up tree limbs that fell due to the weight of ice!), no loss of power, just a few days staying snuggly inside. Which was great in some ways! Though to my dismay, snow (or ice) days as an adult aren’t the free-for-alls that they are as kids. Not saying that I don’t love my job, but I wouldn’t say no to a few days completely work and responsibility free!

What a few days of a freeze did do is leave me with time to think (I really didn’t leave the house for about 4 days!). I spent a lot of time thinking about how grateful I am, for even basics like heat and running water. And I spent a lot of time thinking about what I want- from spring fashion to how I want my days to look. Also, I spent some time thinking about ice/snow days- not necessarily the ones I had, but the ones of fantasy, the ones that are full of fun, reading by the fire, hot chocolate, and a sense of freedom.

Again, I cannot tell you how much I love my job, but I can also tell you that I need downtime as well. We live in a world, a culture, that leads us to believe that we are only “good” or worthwhile if we’re busy and productive . A lesson that I keep learning is that do be productive, I need rest. That rest is productive. When we were freezing, everything shut down, I still felt as if I needed to stick to my do-to list. And to be fair, there were deadlines that I needed to meet. Yet, I cannot tell you how much I wanted to give into the “snow” days of my youth- just forget about everything and have a good time. I’ve been wondering how we balance all that we want and need to do, and our rest and celebrating a bit of freedom. How do you do it?

In recognition of how I felt about it freezing, I’m actively attempting to schedule myself at least one day a week without anything to do. Maybe I won’t be by a fire or sipping chocolate, but I can give myself a day off. And with that day off, perhaps get more done? Besides, when was the last time we left everything behind and just enjoyed the day? Wouldn’t that be so good for us?

Wishing us all a week of above freezing temps but rest- and of course, amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Happy Lunar New Year!

a woman in a red and gold print dress worn over jeans against a wall

Some will tell you that today is the “actual” start of the new year, some will tell you that it’s a great day for luck, and some will tell you that it’s a great day to eat well. I’m going to tell you that I wish you an incredibly lucky and prosperous Year of the Water Rabbit (you can read more about the year of the rabbit here, and more about Lunar New Year here). While not a part of my traditions growing up, as an adult, this celebration is a tradition I love to respectfully celebrate- aka I wear red, appreciate the day, and usually buy myself something fun as it can’t hurt if it’s lucky, right?

With that being said. It’s not my place to wade into the discourse about Lunar New Year, or tell you how to celebrate. In fact, these was one of those topics that I was a little hesitant about posting as I know it’s not mine, and never want to step on toes. Or sound like an insensitive “influencer” who only cares about pretty packaging. If this is a holiday that you grew up celebrating, I would love to hear more about how you did so? What did you do, eat, wear, and wear there any special traditions that you loved? What do you do to mark Lunar New Year now?

While I dabble in astrology, the Lunar Year chart is not my specialty- though I know I’m an Earth Sheep. From my understanding, the year of the Water Rabbit is supposed to be lucky, and bring prosperity to us. I’m crossing my fingers for us all. As I mentioned, today is a day I usually buy myself a little lucky “charm” for the new year. I’m partial to red lipstick- for the color, and I’m always charmed by the Lunar New Year Packaging (cliche but true). However, there are all sorts of Lunar New Year charms- from rabbit shoes to bags to silks and knits. While I am partial to skincare, there’s something for us all. I’ve linked all of my faves for you below!

Whatever this day means to you, I hope that it is a good day. That the year brings us all luck, abundance, and all the things we love. Happy New Year!

Wishing us all a week of luck and amazing shoes! XO RA

Note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that may not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Absolutely in love with the Tory Burch Lunar New Year Line:

And you can shop all my faves from skincare to more here

Sunday Chronicles: First Holiday

a woman in a purple hostess dress un bed

In the States, it’s the first holiday weekend of the year – MLK Day (celebrating Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr). There’s a lot to be said for MLK’s legacy, but it’s mainly become a weekend for sales, and maybe a trip out of town. I wasn’t planning to take time off, there’s so much I want to wear and write about! But as it turns out, I’ve been fighting something off and I need the rest. You can shop my sales picks in the LiketoKnowIt or ShopStyle apps! I’ll be on the couch resting up- and will be back on Wednesday wearing something fabulous!

Wishing us a week of forward movement and amazing shoes! Xo RA

Sunday Chronicles: Hitting the Ground…Walking

a woman in a leopard print midi dress walking from a green hedge

It’s the new year, tine for “new year, new me”, all the goals and resolutions, and for hitting the ground running. But. What if you don’t hit the ground running? What if the start of your new year is a bit slower, a bit more walking? Is that bad? Is it worse to walk into the new year rather than run?

These are the questions that I can’t help but ask myself over and over, this full week into 2023. It’s not that I don’t have goals, resolutions, things I want to change- I do. And I’m sure that there are multiple people are writing multiple things around this time about the tried and true methods to get motivated to achieve all the things you have planned this year. I’m not anti any of that (and honestly am currently taking any tips that I can right now!).

The thing is, my year has gotten off to a slow start. There have been days when my internet was down, my allergies were incredibly bad, and days spent waiting on repairmen. While I would love to tell you how ahead I am and what progress I’ve made, instead of running I’m truly walking into the new year. (Fun fact: in “normal times” I LOVE to walk, I have nothing against walking!)

Yet, even being a lover of walking, there’s something about this time of year that makes me feel as if slow starts aren’t what I should be aiming for- which makes it a struggle when you are walking instead of running. Then. I can’t help remember the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare- aka slow and steady wins the race- meaning that my slow start means nothing as long as I’m moving forward.

And I’m also moved by something a friend of mine recently said to me- that the only way we get to where we want to be is to make the next best decision. We move slow, make mistakes, can’t control everything- all we can do is take where we are and make the next best decision to get us closer to the place/person/situation we want to be. When I look at it that way, that I’m only responsible for the next best choice, I don’t mind walking. In fact, often when I go walking I find things that I missed previously. Walking gives me a chance to be intentional about where I’m going, I do love running, and I love getting where I’m going quickly, but I am not going to regret moving a bit slower towards my goals, as long as I’m moving!

How are you moving into the new year? Running? Walking? How are you managing your progress towards your goals and how are you feeling about them? I would love to know all about it and any tips you have for going from a walk to a jog!

Wishing us all a week of forward motion and amazing shoes!

Sunday Chronicles: Behind

Boxes with Christmas lights and bows

Is it me or does being behind feel so much more behind during the holidays? I usually have a to-do list and parts of the house to clean, deadlines to meet, etc. And yet, during the holidays there’s all of that- and 10x more errands (from gift buying to food), more cleaning (because somehow decorating causes a bit of a mess before it all looks so pretty!), more to-dos (all of that plus extra card writing, parties, appts, etc)- which makes all of the things that I need to do much larger (longer?) than any other time of year. Each year I tell myself that I’ll be ahead for the holidays- decorate and shop early, send cards and pre-write posts, so that I can spend the season really enjoying the parties and the jolly.

Yet, this year? With all of those good intentions. I’m behind. My to-do list seems just to grow and shoots, cleaning, and me time seem to be at the bottom of the list. Not to mention that I haven’t even started shopping for gifts (for others!) And being behind at this time of year feels so much more behind than any other time of year. I’ve written about holiday stress before (see here), as it seems that holiday stress isn’t a new thing. I still haven’t figured out how to deal with holiday stress, other than getting through it, though this year, as behind as I am (because it’s not just a feeling), I have a plan.

My next week is insane. I need to shoot and write blog posts, clean, do errands, clean- all while I’ve booked a print job! (Which I am incredibly grateful for and excited about- if you’re new here, my other “job” is acting/modeling- and I can’t be more thrilled to book! However, that means that there’s a chance a good part of my week involves 12 hour days working on things that aren’t mine) However, my goal is to push myself: Today through Tuesday, get the most done: shoots, cleaning, all the errands, all the writing. I work on the print gig Wed-Friday. Then I’ll take Saturday off (Aka there’s a chance I may be sleeping all day!), then hit the ground running NEXT Monday to finish everything off, in the hopes that I can be done by next Wednesday or Thursday, and then take some time off (except for posting sales and outfits!). A bit ambitious? Perhaps, and there may come time where I decide that what’s not done just won’t get done and call it no longer behind. But, I’m hoping that I can use all the deadlines and the stress to go from behind to on time. (I worry about aiming for ahead!)

Being behind this year feels awful. It’s not just one thing, it’s feels like ALL the things, and like being behind gets in the way of the joy. I’m trying to remind myself that it’s ok to take time for joy, that what absolutely needs to get done will get done, and that behind is a state of mind. That sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. What are your tips for dealing with being behind at that holiday season? Do you ever get ahead?

Wishing is all a week of completed to-do lists and amazing shoes!

Sunday Chronicles: Holiday Rituals

A woman in grey plaid pjs and a Santa shirt with Santa slippers on

Tis the time of year for many, many things, like kindness and joy- and rituals. I’ve been thinking a lot about rituals lately (defined as usually religious series of acts repeated with meaning attached), because with all of the things that are a part of this time of year come the rituals, or traditions- from your religious ceremonies to how and when you decorate your tree or house.

I’ve written about some of my thoughts on holiday traditions here, here, here, here, here.

It’s not that my traditions are changing- I’m still wearing plaid, wishing for snow, and excited to eat my momma’s beef stroganoff this Christmas Eve- but I’ve been thinking more about the rituals behind these traditions and the meaning they bring to what we (always) do. I took a class a few years ago based upon the premise that all human relationships were built on ritual (a series of repeated action) and spontaneous actions – together they build foundation, fun, and family. When applied to our holiday traditions, I can’t help but appreciate the ritual- the things we do passed down from generation to generation, and the ways we adjust them (aka being spontaneous). If you google the importance of rituals, you’ll get a ton of results that explain everything from how rituals tie us to our past and move us forward, how rituals heal, and how rituals build us up.

When you think about it, the holiday season comes at the ending of a year and is the beginning of another. Rituals bring us joy, temper our sorrow, and move us from one place to the next. And because we can tweak our rituals (there are things that we still do the exact same way we did when I was 3, and things we’ve changed), I like think to think that our rituals are living. And of course they’re magic.

So. If we can admit that rituals matter and move us, how do we honor them? How do we take these rituals that ground us and yet allow them to move us forward? If you’re like me, there are rituals you don’t want to change- I love family Christmas PJs and watching Miracle on 34th Street, and all the goodies! On the other hand, I love how my family holidays have grown up with my sister and I (we don’t have kids). I long to hold on and I want to leave room for change. Maybe that’s the magic of the ritual. It lets you do both.

This year we aren’t making big changes. We’re doing what we have done, and honoring what our rituals have grown into. When I know think about rituals, I think about both the past and the future- and I’m excited about both. This season is a season of rituals and traditions, past and future. May we find comfort and ways to honor all. I would love to hear your thoughts about rituals, your family traditions and how you’re feeling going into the season.

Wishing us all a week of comfort and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Gift Guides 2022

A woman in plaid shirt and black pants standing by a Christmas Tree

Every year I struggle with gift guides. Do I post them? Do I ignore them? It’s not that I don’t like gifts (I do!) and ironically I feel as if I’m a good to great gift giver (more on my gift giving philosophy in a moment), yet I don’t know that I’ve mastered gift guides. Or how and when to post them. Part of the gift thing is (for me- my gift giving philosophy) that gifts are personal. We all want to be seen and heard by the people in our lives, and gifts are a way to do that. As good as I am at shopping, ask me for general gift ideas for “him” or “for your uncle” and I freeze like a deer in headlights. But tell me your hubby loves craft cocktails and smoky flavors, or that your uncle loves the opera, bow ties, and to entertain. Tell me your aunt loves crochet and football and yet hates the color pink. Those are details that I can work with- those are details that make gifts personal and appreciated. That’s the kind of gift giving I love shopping for and wrapping!

(Note: Look, we all ask for money for gifts. I do- mainly as I know most people would rather give me a bit towards my huge shopping goals rather than splurge on one huge gift for me. And I think that’s thoughtful. I give gift cards to all service workers in my life (usually with cookies!) and I hope that’s thoughtful. This is not about disparaging those gifts. This is about personal and thoughtful gift guides that won’t suggest yet another impersonal tie, whiskey rock, tea towel, etc! Money is great! Gift Cards are great! I write yearly in defense of them, see here! This is moving us beyond those!)

So. If I’m only really great at doing specific gifts, or gifts for people who have specific tastes, and/or suggesting things that I would like, how do I go about gift guides? And do gift guides take away from any fashion or outfit conversation we have here? These are the questions I’ve been battling with since I started Investment Piece. This year? I think I finally have some answers that I love- and I hope you will too!

Starting this year I’m not doing gift guides on the blog. We’ll chat holiday dressing (of course!) and what I’m wearing through the season, but this is the post about gift guides (ironically without a true gift guide!). If you’re subscribed to our email list (and if you’re not I suggest you do! I’m updating our investment piece guide today!), every week (on Wednesdays) you’ll get an email with a specific gift guide (from Advent Calendars to hostess gifts to beauty to his and hers). I’m planning on being detailed (culling from research on not only what I would like but based upon people in my life and what they have asked for!), specific, and I hope helpful!

(Need more! For one on one suggestions or more details options feel free to email me at and we’ll go holiday shopping!Also, check the shopping apps, both ShopStyle and LTK for weekly updates. I will be posting gift guides there throughout the season!)

To recap- sign up for our email lists and check my shopping apps. Email me for help. In general? Gifts should be so personal- that’s what makes them thoughtful, so if you’re seeing your people I know you’re doing a great job shopping for your people!

Wishing us all a week of great shopping and amazing shoes! XO RA

I am breaking this rule and linking to a general gift guide here! It is an affiliate link, which means though it does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from it! Thank you for your support!