Snake Style

Investment Piece: Snake Bitten

It’s Lunar New Year! And the Year of the Snake!

(This is where I want to let you know that Lunar New Year is not something I grew up with, or is a part of my heritage- so I won’t go on like I am an expert. In fact, some of my first lunar new years were purchasing special cosmetic sets. Yet, I love the idea of yet another fresh start. And while snakes are really not my thing- though you wouldn’t know it by my fashion- the idea of shedding your old skin and becoming someone new? That I can get behind. So, I will be wearing red (for luck!) and dressing in the chicest snake styles I can find. Like below!)

Investment Piece: Champagne Tastes
Investment Piece, fashion, blogger, belts, necklaces, vintage, high fashion, CA, TX
Investment Piece: how to purple with retro vibes
Investment Piece: #Blazer
Investment Piece: #mixed
And one of my faves:

Investment Piece: Bond Girl

In fact, I love snake style- from accessories and jewelry to shoes, to anything from suits to dresses. It’s animal print, it’s subtle, it’s bold. And this year if it brings us a bit of luck and is a bit of reminder to become new? I’m in.

Below are a few serpents I am currently taking inspiration from- Happy Lunar New Year! XO RA

Note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Investment Piece: The Waiting Game

Chicly Knitted

A woman in black, camel and white color block turtleneck sweater and pants with mesh leather sneakers
A woman in black, camel and white color block turtleneck sweater and pants with mesh leather sneakers
A woman in black, camel and white color block turtleneck sweater and pants with mesh leather sneakers
A woman in black, camel and white color block turtleneck sweater and pants with mesh leather sneakers

Currently invested in? Knit Sets. (Even Sweat sets!) that are absolutely comfy but feel chic and look put together. Essentially, at this point of the weather, dealing with living in a construction zone, and the world events- I am looking for a cheat sheet, the CliffNotes (I know- that’s what I called them in high school!), the easy way to get through a day.

Especially if Mondays are difficult. Or full of decisions beyond your outfit that are a bit more than you can do.

It’s not that I am against sweats (I do believe you can wear them chicly!), but sometimes, perhaps even on a Monday, we need an elevated version. Enter the chicly knitted set (and this is not the only example! You can even make your own in monotone knits, complimentary color knits, or just knits!) The knit set may hang a bit neater, may have more versatility, or simply may make you feel as if you’re dressed.

All are valid and often needed on a Monday. (Or truly any day that’s hard. Or when you don’t feel like getting dressed. Or a day you just can’t but have to!)

This exact knit set is (linked below) and from Ruti, my new go to for elevated casual wear! In this season of life- the house construction, the cold weather, my off schedule, I find myself looking more and more for sets that I don’t have to think about that make me feel and look put together. This chicly knitted set? Perfect on all accounts.

What do you reach for when you need a casual get chic look? How do you make yourself feel put together?
I would love to hear any and all tips!


Please note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Shop my chicly knitted set here

Sunday Chronicles: Perfectionism and Mantras

Investment Piece: Sunday Chronicles

I did some more flashing back this week and came across one of the first Sunday Chronicles I wrote. It’s a subject I keep going back to: perfectionism, and how I deal with it. The story of my life, in other words. The reminder that some battles are constant both encouraged me and scares me. Spin class is one of the ways that I’ve always dealt with it–but right now I’m still mainly working out at home (which isn’t bad!), but it means I’m having to encourage myself. And that looks different. Weirdly, I’m saying all these things to myself. Not weirdly, they work!
Enjoy my first thoughts on the topic!
Wishing us all a week of onward and amazing shoes!

Perfectionism and Mantras

I’m a perfectionist. Which means I hold myself to impossible standards, am hard on myself–and all those things you’ve heard–that perfectionists procrastinate, etc? Yes, those are true about me. In fact I’ve spent a vast majority of my life striving to be perfect–and not always being nice to myself in the process–and being even harder on myself when I was unable to be perfect. Sadly, I think that being perfect is something that doesn’t exist.

I still believe in perfect shoes and outfits–but that’s probably a different story.

Get to know me a little and you’ll find that I love to work out. And I love workouts, like Soul Cycle, where encouraging mantras are said and they uplift you–and you feel good. One of the favorite mantras–and one I’ve seen in several places this week so it’s on my mind–is “The Way You Do One Thing Is The Way You Do All Things”. Which is great when I’m in a dark spin class–because I can sprint and jump and climb and do it well. But what about the things that I do not do well? The things I flat out suck at? The list of my talents is long–but I fear it is out numbered by my flaws. I’m human (hard to accept)– and this means I’m messy and unfortunately for me, cannot do all things perfectly. So this phrase has never sat well with me.

However, a spin teacher I love (Angela Davis if you’re ever in LA) has begun to say, “You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be brave”.  Now this I can get behind. If I have to accept that I cannot be perfect–I get brave. Brave means taking risks, and trying, and doing your best. Brave I can do.

Another saying I love is “You have to have compassion for yourself, you cannot be brave every time, so when you can’t be kind to yourself”. Which is another way of saying “You have to give 100% of what you have right now, which will be different than tomorrow and different than yesterday, and that’s ok”. Let’s be honest–life can be hard, and even if we’re trying to be brave, we don’t always get there. I need to hear that it’s ok for me to try my hardest–and that my hardest will be different each day. This I can do.

So I’m trying, I’m being brave. I ramble –and I know there is no fashion tie in. Although, we could say that you should try that outfit you’ve been thinking of, and if it doesn’t work–it’s ok.

My hope for us this week is that we can all be brave, and when we can’t be as brave that we can have compassion towards ourselves. Oh–and I wish for us amazing shoes!

Happy Sunday!

xo RA

Fashion Stories: Her Mom’s Dress

Investment Piece: Her Mom's Dress
Investment Piece: Her Mom's Dress
Investment Piece: her Mom's Dress
Investment Piece: Her Mom's Dress

As someone who is just fascinated by the stories we tell with our fashion, the things we keep, the ones we let go of, and the stories the get told after we’re gone- it’s always a honor when someone gifts me a special fashion item.

This dress is chic enough on its own: the way you can wear it on or off the shoulder. With or without a belt. With almost any shoe, heel, boots, even sneakers. The tassel tie. It’s a vintage Arpeja-California, under the label Young Edwardian. Known for their styles influenced by 1960s British boutique fashion, retro trends, and focusing on youth and trend-oriented clothing, one of my favorite things about the brand is that its ads featured Lynda Carter.

If Wonder Woman likes it, it has to be fantastic!
Investment Piece: Her Mom's Dress
DInvestment Piece: her Mom's dress

I’ve worn this dress to a neighborhood party. To run errands. And to meet a friend for lunch.

But what makes this dress so incredibly special to me? It’s from one of my dearest, bestest friend’s mom. That would be so kind on its own, but not only did my friend’s mom pass down the dress, she passed down her story of it. My friend’s mom wore this number to a wedding in the 1970s. It made her feel magic and sparkly, and she hung onto until this summer when it was gifted to me- to make more magic in it.

To be trusted with that, to be given the chance to carry on someone’s fashion story? It’s much more than a dress (which I love), it’s a honor. I only hope to give this dress all the stories it deserves.

Investment Piece: Her Mom's Dress

What thing has been passed down to you? How are you carrying on its fashion story?
I would love to hear all about it!

Sunday Chronicles: Too Soon To Reset?

The Fitness Challenge I'm doing is called "Playing The Long Game:  Basically, you show up as best you can forever-accepting that shit is rarely perfect or linear- and you adjust for different life chapters as you go. There are no Before & Afters, just lots and lots of Durings.

This first January holiday is always a bit of a doozy for me, mentally. (I am aware this holiday- MLK Day- is an American holiday, so you might not be celebrating. And as an American- especially if you have guessed or share my politics- this week is a doozy already. Wishing us all strength and peace and the ability to bear witness in the coming). But. Yes. Tomorrow is a holiday. And it’s the middle of January- the month that is supposed to start our new habits and new years and new us.

I can’t help but wonder- is it too soon to reset?

Personally? It’s not that I am SO far off my goals- but I truly feel as if I haven’t started yet. Really? I am still in that weird twilight between Christmas and New Years (if you need one, a general update on my life can be found here and here. And yes, cats and I lived in a hotel for 10 days while there was a partial demo, for the holidays my kitchen was down to studs. Work has started- and even that is a lot!). I keep waiting and feeling as if the other shoe will drop, or things will settle so I can get on a routine, work on my goals-or even write in my calendar. Yet, so far this year has felt like floating.

So if this is a reset and it means I can get to it all- I am in.

One of my beloved friends, and an amazing trainer, posted the above quote this week. And I have to say I was oh-so-drawn to it as I also realize that sometimes while we are waiting for a reset. A sign to restart, sometimes what we don’t want to (or have a hard time) admitting is that we are in a life chapter that looks different than what we would like. It’s January. And while I am behind, I do have goals that I would like to work towards (see here). Though it is only January, I do feel a need to reset. Yet- this chapter of my life is full of home repairs (and working around workers here, literally herding cats, and healing) and is not what I would love long term. Perhaps the reset is thinking long term and knowing this will pass. And all those things I want- like getting back to the gym and myself- will come. Looking different right now may be temporary, but maybe that mental reset will last.

Do you already need a reset? How are you having in there? While I usually don’t link on Sundays, below I have linked a book I have been recommended about the chapters of life that can freeze us- I will be ordering if you want to read with me!

AND! Tomorrow is a holiday. It is also supposed to snow Monday- Wednesday where I live. I do not live in a place where we get snow. I also live in a place where the last big snow event lead to a grid failure. I am only slightly nervous?? Due to the uncertainty- and the holiday- and truly that I am living in a construction zone without a timetable this week due to all that- we will be off Monday- and most likely Wed. I plan to be completely fabulous and reset (and dressed!) on Friday- and we will be live!

Thank you for resetting with me. Being patient with me. And staying through winter so we can get to spring.

Wishing us all a week of warm winter nights and amazing shoes! And a fantastic reset! XO RA

Note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Fashion Stories : What is an Investment Piece?

Fun fact: the name of this blog is kind of a joke. As in, my mom is an accountant and very number oriented. I. Am. not. And if you’ve done your research, you know that certain fashion items (looking at you Chanel and Hermes bags) actually INCREASE in value. Maybe I’m on to something?

But. Does that mean that every investment piece is a designer bag or a big deal? I don’t think so! For me, an investment piece is an outfit item (accessories too!) that you need in your life, that you use all the time, that adds value to your life. Maybe you’re into your workouts- you need great *non-see-through* leggings. A lot of them. Big wig in a corp job? Probably need suits. Go to a lot of events? You need party dresses.

I absolutely think that for everything you need it’s best to go for quality over quantity. But it’s not a needed thing to break the bank for every purchase. What do you need? What do you wear? What makes you happy? Let’s start there. And buy pieces that fit our lives- that are great quality.

By your definition, what is an investment piece? And what are you investing in?

Let’s chat about it!

I would really love to hear your thoughts and what you’re shopping right now!

xo RA

A Closet Clean Out?!?!

a picture of racks of clothes including blazers, sweatshirt dress, boots, knit separates and more

Since November I have been needing/wanting/planning to switch my closet from summer to winter.

As mentioned in so many precious posts- the work on the house (and to be fair, all the trauma and big feelings and moves and etc) made that go on that back burner.

Then this weekend- in part of need, but also wanting to help those affected by the fires- I intended to start again. Then we had meeting with contractors, and our reconstruction starts today.

Tell God your plans and make him laugh?

And yet? In the midst of all the crazy– I intend to clean out, switch out, and redo my closet. To give to those who need it. And to help me. So, once again I am looking over my own old advice- taking heed, and will be making adjustments as needed. (You know I will keep you updated!)

The links I am looking back at:
another closet clean out

the process

closet detox

and of course thinking on how to improve this closet reveal

What are your best closet clean out processes? Any tips for me?

Here’s to the actual clean out and the process we love! XO RA

Minty and Fluffy..

a woman in a mohair skirt and shirt in mint green with suede cowgirl boots
a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots
a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots
a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots

In challenging myself to not only dress chicly in the cold (and yes! It’s still cold here!), I am not only thinking of “really” getting dressed (aka not layering sweats), but I am thinking of color. And texture. Not only in winter, but when we think of chic, we think black. I have nothing against black! It is a go-to and so easy to do monotone and is chic! Add to that, black is easy in the winter, as it hides everything from snow stains to bulk. Yet. What if there were more colors in winter? And what if instead of hiding away our winter texture, we embraced it?

Admittedly, I don’t know that I went out with those fully formed thoughts, or looking for that– but when I found these mint mohair separates– I not only knew that I had to have them, I knew that this twist on winter dressing was something I wanted to play with! And wear. And be chic and cozy in!

a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots

I also admit- while mohair is absolutely a winter staple. Fluffy and warm and chic. The mint? A bit of a shock for me. I associate mint, and pastels and perhaps lighter colors in general, with spring. So, to have a usually springy color in a fabric (texture) that is decidedly winter? Chic. Cozy but with a twist. Minty and Fluffy not only feels as if it’s a breath of fresh air (and will be a great transitional outfit!) but lends itself to so many winter/chic stylings…

Here, I love it with boots (in suede, patterned) but these pieces would be great with tights and heels, riding boots, non patterned boots, mules and oh so much more. AND! It’s a set- and we all know what I am going to say next- the great thing about a set is that you can wear together or separately!

a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots
a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots
a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots

Does this make it seem as if I analyzed and overthought this outfit (even before buying)? Well. I hate to tell you — I fell in love and bought on pure desire. The color felt happy. Who doesn’t love fluffy? In getting it for myself that was the only thought- and honestly, I bought before Christmas so it was even before thinking of winter chic even crossed my mind. A great coincidence? Yes- sometimes things fall into place. This outfit just feels good- from the color to the cozy. Minty and Fluffy- everything I didn’t know I needed.

What are your go-to winter colors? Thoughts on mohair? Your most unexpected winter outfits? I would love to hear about them all!

These boots are vintage Dolce from years ago, as is the necklace. BUT I have this exact minty and fluffy set linked for you below! XO RA

Note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!
Shop here

a woman in a mint mohair set

Sunday Chronicles: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart…

a palm tree and fire in the Hollywood hills- from NBC 5 Chicago
From NBC 5 Chicago- the fires in LA burning

On Friday I not only mentioned that the LA Fires are breaking my heart, I listed some vetted resources where you can help. My heart? Still breaking. Not only was LA home for oh-so-many-years, and is still home in so many ways, my loved ones are still there. From afar, I know Hollywood and LA seems glitz and glam, full of celebrities- but the neighborhoods getting burned are not only people you see on TV (who may not be as rich as you think), but regular people with dreams and families. The thought of not only losing a house, but everything inside and all the memories? I am still having problems being productive because the images and thoughts and worries upset me so. It’s that thing where I am desperate to follow all the news and yet attempting to distract myself as well.

In short, for all of us I think it’s an emotional and difficult time. And that’s from afar. Like me, you might be desperate to help but unsure of how to start. There are so many organizations and go-fund me’s out there. But. Here we do fashion. And I can only imagine how devastating losing my closet would be-so I am using that as fuel for how to help.

There are so many brands who are making care packages, or are donating profits to recovery efforts. Some I love:
ClareV has a “Los Angeles Je T’aime” collection with proceeds going to relief.
And you can find a comprehensive list of what brands are doing what (yes, some brands are giving money- but if you see your faves here it’s another reason to shop with them!) here and here.

January is a time where most of us clean out our closets. I am no exception- I’ve had it on my list to switch my closet from summer to winter for a while, and was going to use that to do a clean sweep. Now, I am especially motivated as I will take my clothes and contact SecondsMarket– they will pair you with someone in need and help with shipping or drop offs.
(Please note, no matter where you are I have seen so many stores organize clothing drives, so look into your local stores as well for places to donate!)

Another way to give fashion?

Well Cloth’d is partnering with @ShopQuirkLA to collect clothing and essential items. They’ve created an Amazon wish list for those who would like to send new items directly. They’re also collecting gently used items. You can also help by donating via their Venmo (@wellclothd) to help with shipping costs.

Also, Baby2Baby are donating baby supplies (including diapers and formula) to those in need. You can donate at the link.

I know charity links and ways to help are being updated all over your feeds and the news. Disaster on this scale can be overwhelming – and I know this isn’t the only thing happening in the world. The way we get through this- and anything – is each other. Even if we can only give a little, even if we only can only help one person- anything we do in love, in community, for each other helps. We save each other.

I hope that you will join me, in however feels best for you, to giving and helping what we can.

Wishing us all a week of no fires and amazing shoes! XO

Trying to be Chic….

fashion, blogger, high fashion, fashion stories, winter's last stand
fashion, blogger, high fashion, fashion stories, winter's last stand
fashion, blogger, high fashion, fashion stories,
fashion, blogger, high fashion, fashion stories, winter's last stand

On Monday I wrote about staying chic (and warm!) while the weather turns cold….(get refreshed here)…and maybe I tempted the weather? We are experiencing our first real cold snap, and weather, and I have to be honest- I haven’t always looked chic while praying for snow and dealing with freezing rain. This look above? I love it (though let’s be honest- I would really need tights as cold as it is right now!) But I do believe that staying warm doesn’t necessarily mean we can’t be chic….or at least I am trying to convince myself of that and change out of sweats!

Wish me luck on that!

Lucky one of you! I found some one these exact boots in a size 38.5! I do find Miu Miu runs a bit tight so these might be best for an 8- but they are comfy and I can promise compliments!

Please note: this is an affiliate link and while that doesn’t affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Investment Piece: Eclisped by Gold

And here’s the part where I say (beyond the cold), I haven’t done much since Tues/Wed as my heart has been breaking watching my beloved LA be ravaged by fires. LA made me who I am, was home for years, and is still a part of me. To watch places I love and go, watch friends lose everything, worry about evacuations, and grieve for all the animals and history— I truly have been paralyzed and grieving. Below are links to organizations on the ground and state wide that are working to get supplies and help to the people and animals that need it. (Also, if you want a more personal gift but don’t want to go the Go-Fund-Me route, if you google Los Angeles restaurants and animal shelters may are taking donations!). We are all a tragedy away from losing everything– and I don’t know what the secret to life is– but I know the most persistent question that life asks us is “Are you your brother’s keeper?” I think we are- we are here to love our neighbors (all of them, even the four legged kind) and take care of each other. Our neighbors need our love right now and I hope you join me in giving what we can.


World Central Kitchen

Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation

Los Angeles Regional Food Bank

The YMCA and other local community centers are also accepting donations- as is LA Humane Society

Stay warm and safe and loving out there!